For those who wish to discuss their Personal, Professional or Relationship Challenges with our team on 1-on-1 basis.
This is a 45 mins call with one of our Laser Coaches to help you with the following...
Express what's on your mind in a judgement free space
Openly and Freely share to declutter your thoughts. Don't worry if you feel you don't have the clarity to even express your problem. Our coaches are well trained to guide you through this.
Get a second opinion from our coaches
Identify those practical and doable options that you haven't figured out on your own (afterall experience counts☺️)
Our team has combined experience of 27,000+ Coaching Hours that has been accumulated over 27+ years by speaking with people in your situation on daily basis.
Here are some examples of problems that people discuss with us
Please Note:
For privacy reasons, we have hidden the names of these people.
These examples are not the only problems that our team handles. These are shared here to give you the idea that you can feel free to talk about any challenge that you are facing - personal or professional.
Experience Sharing
Ready to book your Clarity Call with our team?
Here are the options...

Clarity Call with Neeta Biswas
Certified Laser Coach at Anamify
You can book Neeta's time to discuss the following type of challenges:
Any Personal, Professional and Relationship related challenge
Career Guidance

Clarity Call with Prerana Shenoy
Certified Laser Coach at Anamify
You can book Prerana's time to discuss the following type of challenges:
Any Personal, Professional and Relationship related challenge

Clarity Call with Hardev Kaur
Certified Laser Coach at Anamify
You can book Hardev's time to discuss the following type of challenges:
Any Personal, Professional and Relationship related challenge
Overcoming Social Anxietyort Healthy Identity Development and Expression
Spiritual Guidance

Clarity Call with Dr. Ashwini Rege
Certified Laser Coach at Anamify
Dr. Ashwini manages Divorce Support Group at Anamify.
You can book her time to discuss following type of challenges:
Any personal and relationship related challenge
If you are Divorced OR Going through Divorce OR Thinking about Divorce and wish to get clarity on your challenge

Clarity Call with Tarun Malik
Certified Laser Coach at Anamify
You can book Tarun's time to discuss the following type of challenges:
Any personal and relationship related challenge
Leadership or Career related
Spiritual guidance related

Clarity Call with Anamika
Master Laser Coach at Anamify with 7+ Years Experience
You can book Anamika's time to discuss following type of challenges:
Any personal, relationship or professional related challenge
For Energy Healing
To prepare customised Subliminals and Guided Meditations
For matters related to Past Life Regression

Clarity Call with Akarma
Master Laser Coach at Anamify with 22+ Years Experience
You can book Akarma's time to discuss following type of challenges:
Any personal, relationship, professional, leadership or business related challenge
For matters related to phobias, sexual abuse, childhood physical/verbal abuse, addictions like smoking, alcohol, food etc.
For matters related to Past Life Regression
Numerology related