When I conduct my classes for Laser Coaching Certification Program, we often talk about various subjects that I feel can be important for others to know as well.
Topics such as
What you need to Set Healthy Boundaries
How People Create an Image about You
How to Deal with Immature Family Members
How to Avoid Becoming a Loner
How to Find Happiness in Toxic Situations
What is Phobia and How to Address it
On Procrastination and Self Sabotaging
On Money and Success
On Discipline and Time Management
On Sanskaras and Energy Blocks
On Empowerment
and many more important topics....
This is just a sample list. I add new topics every week after the classes and the list keeps growing...
Although we have done hundreds of discussions on hundreds of topics on Relationships (recordings available from Anamify YouTube Channel), but they are usually quite long and in-depth; going from 1 hour to sometimes 3 hours.
So, I was wanting to create shorter talks for quite sometime and due to lack of bandwidth, I was unable to find time.
Then one day, during a class, this idea came to me that instead of waiting for that perfect time to create shorter talks, why not I just ask my team to extract them from these classes only!
And that's how it happened.
The team now extracts 10 - 20 mins snippets from my classes every week and make them available.
We started this for the members of Anamify Community and seeing it's popularity, I decided to open it for people outside our community also.
At Anamify, our Vision is to help people create Happy, Healthy and Harmonious Relationships with Others as well as Self.
And this is one of the many ways we are living our vision.
So, if this sounds valuable to you, then I invite you to access this content right away from this link...
I hope you find it useful 🙏🏻🌷
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