Hi Guys, I am Neeta and today I have decided to share a little bit about my journey of finding myself.

It all began with the Life Purpose Contemplation assignment shared at the Energy Healing Retreat at the Hidden Oasis. Anamika shared the assignment when I told her I did not have any complaints against anyone in my life anymore.
The first question was, "What is it that I want badly enough so I will say YES to any of the downsides that will come with it?" This question broke a dam of tears within me, and I felt stumped. My mind stopped, it had no answers, I had never thought along those lines before.
Most of the decisions in my life were made based on what would help me lead a comfortable life till now.
And now when I had a comfortable life, I was unable to decide what was the one thing I was ready to struggle for. After shedding tears for an hour I finally got an answer, I concluded that I could take risks, and say YES to any downsides, I was willing to take pain to find MYSELF, from all the identities I took on which of them were consciously taken up by me?
Getting the answer was one thing, finding myself was like an adventurous treasure hunt and a jigsaw puzzle. It involved questioning what made me make decisions in life. Why I did what I did in life.
Today while watching the movie on Amazon Prime "Sharmajee ki beti", the story of 3 women, I saw how I could identify with their characters and see myself in them. Their struggles to conform and also be themselves despite all the resistance faced the very resistance they faced helped them find their true self.
Lessons I learned from the movie to find myself:
We face challenges in life to learn something about ourselves.
What challenges are you facing in life? And what is it indicating to you about yourself? for Kiran Sharma, who felt out of place when she moved to Mumbai, eventually, she identified what she was good at and what made her happy, the story also conveys the importance of living in the present and not rushing around.
Taking complete Ownership and Responsibility of our own lives.
This makes most people jump out of their seats and scream, But I am not at fault. It's because of this person, this situation, this experience of the past, the behavior of others that is at fault. However, What if I say, whatever it is, how you respond is your choice. Because it's not that the problem is the problem, it's your attitude about the problem that makes the difference.
Our worth is not decided by others.
This is also seen in the story of Kiran Sharma, her husband and neighbors judge her for not working, later Kiran realizes how creative she is and how she uses her resourcefulness and creativity to host the fest in her society.
Everyone is free to have their own perspectives. Their's don't define you, nor should your's define them. When we see ourselves as movie characters, we as the audience can see our situation without taking it personally. We are more likely to understand both perspectives. I learnt this from the story of Jyoti Sharma, who was hurt because her daughter felt she did not understand her, both were right in their own perspective.
To change yourself to please others is a lose-lose choice. The importance of knowing who we are and not changing ourselves to please others, is seen in the story of Cricketer Tanvi Sharma, she later realizes that her boyfriend is expecting her to be someone else, who she is not, and decides to leave him. Likewise, w hen we choose to live according to others, we may make them happy currently by living as per them. But in the long run, we end up resentful and victimized. and Just a common sense question is, Can we really love someone from that state?
So today, I want to ask you a question, Where in your life are you not being yourself? What are you not taking ownership and responsibility for in your life? Are you changing who you are to please people around you? Let me know in the comments below. If you feel stuck in life, Free free to book a clarity call with me here. I am a Certified Laser Coach with Anamify.
Thank you for reading.