My 49 years of Life Experience and 22+ years of Professional Experience in the field of Relationship Coaching has taught me 2 key lessons...
We don't make life transforming decisions until we hit the rock bottom; until there is no choice left; until there is no Plan B
When no amount of logic, analysis, research, fact findings, discussions, contemplation, introspection, alternate perspectives, etc. can satisfy our hesitation, fear and insecurity to take action, then a Leap of Faith is the only option left.

Let me elaborate more on the Leap of Faith...
First, Let me address the Logical Mind
There are many Dating and Matrimonial sites.
On these sites, there are lacs of people registered.
Among those, there may be thousands of potential matches for you.
Is there any direct way for you to reach those potential matches? No. You need to filter through hundreds of profiles.
Can you speak with all those potential matches to shortlist the best? No. It's humanly impossible to accomplish. You need only one partner and as soon as you find that person, you stop.
The logical mind says, the bigger the pool, the greater the chances. Fair enough. But practicality says otherwise. Let me explain with an example...
When a fisherman goes out to sea, he has access to the entire sea. Unlimited potential. But a fisherman who wants to catch a particular type of fish, knows which spot they are going to find it in. He doesn't waste time on the whole sea. He goes directly to that spot. So, if we could recreate that pool outside of the sea, then he would have no need to worry about the big ocean or the "potential lost opportunity". He has what he needs in the small pool itself. In fact, his efforts are much reduced and his chances have much increased now.
Using this example, You have 2 options to find an Emotionally Mature partner
From the huge sea of Dating and Matrimonial sites where all sorts of people exist - Fake, Scammers, Emotionally Immature, Commitment-phobic, Looking for hook-ups or Sex, Emotionally Unstable and also ofcourse Emotionally Mature ones
From a filtered and verified "smaller pool" of Emotionally Mature ones, that we have created for Conscious Matchmaking
Which option, you think, gives you a logical upper hand in finding an Emotionally Mature Life Partner?
I'll leave this argument here for you to contemplate and answer for yourself.
The Logical Mind is not done yet
The next 2 questions that comes are...
Is this going to waste my time?
Is this going to waste my money?
Now we can't do anything about the time part.
If the need is important and urgent enough, then you have to spend the time and efforts to participate in the process of finding the right match. This can't be by-passed.
But we can address the money part and that's why we give this...

Let me now come to the Leap of Faith part
We were always confident about Conscious Matchmaking…
That there are Emotionally Mature people who are struggling to find an Emotionally Mature partner
That there are people who are open to seek the right guidance to become more Emotionally Mature for Conscious Matchmaking
That we will reach such people and introduce them to each other
It was just a matter of time.
People spend many lacs on weddings.
People spend many lacs on divorces.
We were confident that we would reach those who won't mind spending a few thousands on finding the right partner for marriage.
It was just a matter of time.
And now the results have started to come in...
Moral of the Story
Let me repeat this first...
My 49 years of Life Experience and 22+ years of Professional Experience in the field of Relationship Coaching has taught me 2 key lessons...
We don't make life transforming decisions until we hit the rock bottom; until there is no choice left; until there is no Plan B
When no amount of logic, analysis, research, fact findings, discussions, contemplation, introspection, alternate perspectives, etc. can satisfy our hesitation, fear and insecurity to take action, then a Leap of Faith is the only option left.
If you understand the Value of Conscious Matchmaking Service
If you understand that without trying you will never be able to find out if this will work or not for you
If you understand that this Service comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you are inspired by the Success Stories we shared
If your need to find a Life Partner, with whom you can share your life and create beautiful memories, is genuine
Then what more is left to analyse or wait?
This is exactly the point where you jump to take a Leap of Faith!
Can you see it?
Are you ready to take the Leap of Faith with us yet?