If you are Single, Divorced or Widowed and looking for a Life Partner, then this post is for you...
You never know who is supposed to become the medium for you to meet your Life Partner
Watch this short 7 mins video message from me...
Our Promise

5 matches sounds pretty less isn't it!
That's a genuine concern.
Let me explain...
Based on our years of experience in the field of Relationship Coaching, we have identified that there are 3 major factors that MUST be evaluated when evaluating a potential match.
Factor 1: Requirements
This means the requirements and expectations of a person from their life partner. This also includes requirements and expectations of parents and other close family members such as caste, location, kundali match, astrology match, family background, family history, financial status, education, job status and so on...
This factor is pretty logistical in nature and relatively easier to evaluate in comparison to the other 2 factors.
Factor 2: Maturity
This means checking the Emotional Maturity, Emotional Intelligence, Mental Agility, Mindfulness and Spiritual (not religion) growth of the person.
This is harder than the first factor and often people spend weeks and months to gauge this. The reason this is hard to evaluate is because very few people have the right kind of skillset and capability to evaluate this.
The sad part is that despite the obvious lack of skills, most people don't take any professional help. How do I know this? Because from the last 22+ years I have been seeing cases related to failed marriages, toxic/abusive relationships that became like that because the couple didn't know how to evaluate this factor AND they didn't take any help either. When I bring those points to their attention that the signs where right there in front of you from the beginning, then they realise and tell me, "I wish I had met you 10 years ago or 15 years ago".
So, after spending months with a person, you figure out that they are not so mature as you expected or as they pretend to be (and you call it off) or the other person acts so well to hide their immaturity that you fail to notice (and hence fall for it).
Factor 3: Red Flags
This is the hardest factor to evaluate and based on my experience, I can tell you that every marriage that ultimately fails or becomes toxic or becomes dysfunctional is because those couples missed evaluating this factor entirely.
This is about how aware BOTH the partners are about their own Red Flags, Fears and Insecurities which can ultimately lead to the demise of that relationship.
Note that I'm specially saying their own Red Flags. Because often people can very clearly see the Red Flags in the other person but not themselves. It takes a highly Emotionally Intelligent and Mindful person to acknowledge and recognise the red flags in them and work on them too.
And it is impossible for you to evaluate something that you are not even aware of.
So, now, let me bring all this together for you...
In order to reach 1 right match who
fits the Requirements
pass the Maturity test
has the awareness of their own Red Flags
and has the intention to address those Red Flags
You may have to evaluate 20-30 profiles from a Matrimonial site and perhaps spend at least 1 year in doing that.
A team of Professional and Experienced Relationship Coaches at Anamify will do the evaluation of these 3 factors for you and only when someone passes these 3 factors, we will share the match with you.
How many profiles you would need to sift through?
How many dates you need to go on?
How many soft break-ups you need to go through and
How many years all this would take in order to get to 5 matches?
3 years, 4 years, 5 years perhaps!
I hope that now you see that 5 matches is actually a huge number and not only that receiving them in 6 months is a huge saving of time, energy, motivation and emotional/mental wellbeing.
After all this is Our Promise
We are so confident on the Experience and Capability of our team that we are putting our money where our mouth is by giving you a 100% Money Back Guarantee
Great A,
I'm in. Thanks for the initiative and information. All the best and I hope you get a good response and can help a lot of people.
Hi Akarma,
While this is an exceptional and excellent service if carried out in the way it is intended and I am most definitely in, I just have one question.....
Is there any mechanism is place or being designed to weed out potential scammmers as this would be a golden opportunity for gold diggers/honey trappers.
We all have baggage and speaking only for myself here, somewhat naive/desperate/lonely (whatever classification as per psych eval) and could fall for the wrong one based on the persona on display. Everyone shows only their good side in the beginning so..... I know you're catching my drift. And of course this applies both ways. I could be both the wronged party or the wrong doer.