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The Deeper Meaning of Abundance

Writer's picture: Anamika DAnamika D

Updated: Apr 27, 2024

No. I have not written this piece. It's just that it is really precious and I am sharing it for people who really truly seek the deeper meaning of this word, beyond labeling, beyond things/objects, beyond the material paradigm. Understanding it as energy.

I could now upload it as a post as it is too long. So uploading it here.


You don’t really want what you think you want You only want your wanting to end To no longer want for anything To be existentially full and complete

But isn’t that just another want? Perhaps the biggest want of all?

Do you really want your way out of wants? What do you really want?

“Want” actually means “lack” So now the question changes: What do you really LACK? Do you really lack anything in this moment?

Thought says YES Thought lists all the things that are missing Thought advises that certain objects, people, experiences would complete this moment Thought is always a seeker It is always comparing

Thought says: If you get what you want The lack will disappear permanently And this moment will be completed

Get what you want! No more lack! Do you see the trick here? A mechanism perfectly designed to keep you away from what you really want

What is true abundance?

It’s not about getting what you want It’s not about filling a lack It’s about realising that the present moment never lacks anything It’s already full to the brim with sights and sounds and smells With thoughts and feelings With colours and shapes beyond imagination

A thought or feeling of lack A sense of ‘something missing’ Is actually part of this moment’s completeness Not a threat to it Part of the richness of Now Not an enemy A welcome visitor in the vast open space that you are An old friend, come for tea

Space lacks nothing For it is full with everything Pregnant with possibility Rich with potential

The mind confuses peace with ‘absence’ Space with ’emptiness’ And unlimited capacity with ‘lack’ And the game is on The search for opposites The longing for goals

You don’t really want what you think you want And that’s why getting what you want Doesn’t satisfy ‘you’ for long

Who you really are does not ‘want’ It has never heard of ‘lack’ It is already satisfied with this moment For it is this moment Exactly as it is

This is true abundance: Remembering who you really are Prior to time and change

These are the unparalleled riches of the universe: A breath The simple feeling of being alive

Getting what you thought you wanted Acquiring all the material and spiritual riches of the universe Doesn’t even come close

This moment is a strange and unexpected jackpot

And when nothing belongs to you Everything is yours.

This moment is a strange and unexpected jackpot
And when nothing belongs to you
Everything is yours.

The Deeper Meaning of Abundance

“It’s not what you have; it’s what you are”.

Abundance is not the money you have in your bank account, the trophies on your shelf, the letters after your name, the list of goals reached, the number of people you know, your perfect body, your adoring fans.

It is your connection to each breath, how sensitive you are to every flicker of sensation and emotion in the body. It is the delight with which you savor each unique moment, the joy with which you greet each new day. It is knowing yourself as presence, the power that creates and moves worlds. It is your open heart, how deeply moved you are by love every day, your willingness to embrace, to hold what needs to be held. It is the freshness of each morning unencumbered by memory or false hope.

It is the feeling of the afternoon breeze on your cheeks, the sun warming your face. It is meeting others in the field of honesty and vulnerability, connecting beyond the story, sharing what is alive. It is your rootedness in the present moment, knowing that you are always Home, no matter what happens, no matter what is gained or what is lost. It is touching life at the point of creation, never looking back, feeling the belly rise and fall, thanking each breath. It is falling to your knees in awe, laughing at the stories they tell, sinking more deeply into rest. It is simplicity. It is kindness. It is you, before every sunrise, fresh, open, ready… and awake.

This beautiful piece is written by Jeff Foster.

I am just the source.

But if you could understand what's written above, I am open to a conversation.

Have a great day! Be that abundance you are looking for!

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